Swap Your Nozzles

Book your place on one of our exclusive online workshops and have the chance to Swap Your Nozzles for FREE!

A low drift nozzle scheme

The biggest tool for many farms in crop protection is their crop sprayer and the variety of equipment that goes with it.

We know that farmers need all the right tools to do the job. This includes using plant protection products that are needed to grow healthy and sustainable crops. 

We want to protect water quality as much as possible at source and we know that simply using low drift nozzles should reduce pesticides reaching watercourses.

Take part in our Swap your Nozzle webinar

Our popular Swap your Nozzle webinar events are back on between December 2023 to January 2024.

Book your place on one of our exclusive online webinars and have the chance to Swap Your Nozzles for FREE!

Book your place:

Information you'll need when you book your place

To book your place on one of our Swap Your Nozzle webinars, you’ll need to have the following information:

  • Your name, farm address, telephone number, and email address.
  • Name of the catchment you farm in.
  • The area of the arable land that you are spraying in the catchment.​
  • SBI number(s) for the land that you spray.
  • The area of the arable land that you are spraying in the catchment.

Your local agricultural advisor may contact you if further information is required.

You can check which catchment your farm is in online by visiting our farming for water page.  

Join us from the comfort of your farm office

When you take part you’ll receive some great advice and help from our expert independent agronomist consultant

  • overview of the environmental, agronomical and financial points around spraying
  • how to drive efficiencies, and techniques to consider
  • an opportunity to share ideas and experiences on best practice
  • if you join the scheme you will receive a full set of LERAP 3* or 4* low drift nozzles and caps for FREE
  • claim NRoSO and/or BASIS CPD points too!

To take advantage of the chance to Swap your Nozzles, farms must:

  • Be actively farming or contract spraying land in a Severn​ Trent pesticide priority catchment (just having the yard​ within a catchment doesn’t count, the fields where​ spraying takes place needs to be in the catchment area).​
  • Present maps of the area they spray.​
  • Additional nozzles are not available to those who have​ previously received them through this scheme, unless​ additional land is being sprayed.​

A nozzle order form will be sent out after attending the event​ and we have received your field maps. Nozzles available are;​

  • Billericay Bubblejet/ExRay XC​
  • Lechler ID3​
  • Lechler IDTA​
  • Teejet Turbo Twinjett AITT​
  • Teejet Turbo Induction TTI​
  • Syngenta 3D ninety.​

Farmers who attend one of the webinars but farm outside of​ one of our pesticide priority catchments are not eligible for​ free nozzles, but will still receive their CPD points. Grasslandonly​ farms can also attend the webinars and receive CPD​ points, but are not eligible for free nozzles.

Terms and conditions

Full terms and conditions apply, and will be shared with you ahead of the workshop.