Serving our wonderful customers and communities
We want to share with you our business plan for 2020-2025, which sets out the improvements we’re committed to delivering to you - our customers.
Serving you and the communities in which you live
Our purpose is to serve our customers and communities. This drives our vision to be the most trusted water company by 2020 and every year thereafter. But trust has to be earned - it is given, not taken, and it has to be given by you, our customers.
Today, we all expect the companies that serve us to be a positive influence in our lives, and to benefit the society we live in. Being 'almost good enough' is, frankly, just not good enough - and we'll only give our custom to the brands we trust.
While our customers don't have a choice about who provides their water - so they can't vote with their feet - our customers quite rightly have the same high expectations of water companies as they would of any other brand or company.
We know we are uniquely privileged to have been gifted with such a great group of customers and we don't ever want to take you for granted. That's why we see the next five years as a critical opportunity to make commitments to improving in areas you want us to and show how we’re running a public service for the public good.
“trust has to be earned - it is given, not taken, and it has to be given by you, our customers”
Many different people have an interest in our plan, so we’ve written it with everybody in mind.
Read our customer business plan for 2020-2025, our one page summary document and our longer stakeholder summary.
View our complete business plans submitted to OFWAT.
You can view Ofwat's assessment of our plan.
You can read Ofwat’s final Determination.
We have accepted the final determination and you can read our response.