About Us
Sustainable finance
We're always looking to improve our services, which means investing in our business financially - we want to continue to do this without it impacting on our customer bills.
Investing in our business and services
We want to continue to invest in our business and improve services. It's really important we continue to maintain our many networks of pipes, sewers and treatment works - so they're all fit for the future and growing population. Alongside making essential checks and repairs, we're constantly investing in the future of our network. By building new pipes and facilities we can ensure the availability and quality of your water continues to be wonderful, for many generations to come.
Around one third of your bill goes towards paying the costs of financing, but without borrowing and shareholder investment, your bill would be much higher.
We also want you to trust that we won’t take on too much debt, or pay our investors unjustified returns. And if we do better than we expected due to innovation and hard work, the benefits should be shared between both our shareholders and our customers.
In future, we plan to be more open with you about the performance we are delivering. If we fail to deliver our promises, we'll look to reduce your bills.