Connecting water to a housing development

Step 1

Before you apply

There are some key things you need to know before you’re ready to apply for a new connection.

Once you have considered each of these you are all set to send us your application.

Step 2


You’ll need to submit the following:

  • A Water and Sewer connections application form
  • A location plan – showing the site boundary in relation to the existing houses/roads and the proposed route of the new water service pipe
  • The current application fee
  • Soil report (if applicable)
  • Have a read of our Customer Connection Pack which details the connection process

You can apply on the same application form for multiple water connections to our existing water mains (provided they are for the same site)

Step 3

We issue a quote

Once you have submitted your application we will assess your connection requirements and may arrange to visit your site. We’ll provide you with a quote specific to your project.

The quote will most commonly be made up of the following costs:

  • The connection costs for all work/materials needed for us to make the new connections
  • Traffic management - depending on the location of our water main there will be different costs involved in managing the traffic to enable the connections to be made safely
  • Infrastructure charges - all first time connections to our network are liable to pay infrastructure charges
  • There could be further site specific charges which we’ll discuss with you.   

Step 4

You lay services and pay

Who is responsible for carrying out the connection?

You're responsible for installing and maintaining the service pipe from your house to the edge of the private land boundary. If the main is some distance away you're responsible for installing and maintaining the service pipe up to our main.For more information about the technical requirements for laying your service see our customer guidance.

You can also read our Customer Connection pack which details the connection process.    


We're responsible for the part of the service pipe once it leaves the private land boundary into the public highway to the water main.

Once you have installed your service pipe you need to make payment.

Step 5

Inspect and connect

Once you've laid your service pipe please contact us and we’ll arrange to come out and inspect it. If you have used a watermark plumber to install the service pipe you will need to provide the details with payment.

If everything is ok, we’ll arrange for our contractors to make the connections to the water main.

Step 6


You will need to provide us with the Royal Mail postal address for the new property & the occupier details of the property as soon as this is known. We will create a new account and arrange for the first bill to be sent out.

If you require more detailed information on our process - please read our guidance documents.