Application guidance for a new water connection

What you need to know, do, or check before you apply for a new water connection at a home, commercial unit or agricultural supply.

Before you begin

Before you are ready to apply for a new water connection, you must: 

  • Know the size of connection you need 
  • Know where the nearest water main is 
  • Know if there are any pipes or assets belonging to us that need to be moved 
  • Have permission to lay a pipe on land owned by a third party if necessary 
  • Be able to provide a soil or ground investigation report if necessary 
  • Be planning to begin work in the next 6 months 
  • Collate your evidence if you want to apply for the Environmental Discount Scheme. This can't be applied for retrospectively.

Do not begin your application if you don’t have all the necessary information. 

You need our approval for each connection you make to water mains. You will have to pay a fee for each connection.