Online Subject Access Request

Made on behalf of of an individual

Please complete this form if you are making the request on behalf of someone else.

If you wish to make a SAR on behalf of Severn Trent's employee, former employee or prospective employee, do not use this form. You can make a SAR by completing the forms linked here:

  1. Former employee SAR;
  2. Prospective employee SAR.

If you prefer to make your request through other means, you can call us, write an email or send us a letter. For more information on alternative ways to submit your request, please see Section How do you contact us? or Section 14 Contacts, queries and complaints of our Privacy Notice.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

About the individual you're making this request for

About you

Choose file *

Please upload a file

Choose file *

Please upload a file

Evidence that you are authorised to act on behalf of an individual:*

Please provide appropriate evidence, e.g. a written authority signed by the individual, electronically signed letters of authority or documented powers of attorney.

Choose file *

Please upload a file

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

How would you like to receive the subject's personal data?

If you have requested your data via post, please provide details of the address you would like the personal data to be sent to:

Do you have any accessibility requirements? *

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

How long would you like to go back? We can send you all of the individual's personal data or just the last 1, 3, 6, 12 months worth OR you can enter a date range.

++ Enter the dates (for which you want records) below.