Permanent disconnection of a water supply

This is for disconnections on domestic properties only. If the property is commercial you will need to contact your retailer for a disconnection.

If you are not the registered owner of this property, we will require written confirmation from them before progressing this request.

If your request relates to a business premises, please refer to your Retailer who must submit this request.



The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.


Once the form below is completed, we will contact you to arrange an appointment for permanent disconnection.


Owner details

Developer details


I confirm that I require the above supply to be permanently disconnected. I understand that if I want a supply in the future, I’ll be responsible for the full cost of a new supply being laid. For details on getting a new supply please call 0800 7076600 or visit I also understand that I will be responsible for surface water drainage charges on sites of 200 m2 or larger.

We will securely retain details you provide to us. Please see our Data Protection and Privacy Policy for more details. If you submit this form to us we may use the information throughout the organisation.