Hatton Water Treatment Works, Warwickshire
Job number : 6156440
Date : January 2025 to November 2025
Work type : New pipelines
We’re committed to making sure our customers receive a continuous supply of water now and in the future, so we’re improving the water supply in the Hatton area. We’ll be installing approximately ten kilometres of new water pipes, from our water mains north of Rising Lane to Hatton Water Treatment Works (WTW), off Old Birmingham Road. This project will also help protect the environment and improve our water network for parts of Hatton and the surrounding areas.
- We plan to start work on our new water main in January 2025 and complete by November 2025
- Most of our work will be in private land and will run from north of Rising Lane to Hatton WTW
- Where our new water main crosses the highway we’ll have various types of traffic management in place
- We’ll write to you again as we begin each phase of our works.
We plan to start in early January 2025, initially we will clear any vegetation that is on the route of the new water main. We will only be removing the minimal amount of vegetation, which will be approximately the width of the working area required to install the new pipe. We need to carry out the vegetation removal before the end of February 2025, and the start of the bird nesting season, which is from the beginning of March to the end of August. We will then start working in the private land, where we will fence off our working area and strip the topsoil and store it along the route of the pipeline. We will then start laying the new water main from the end of January 2025.
We will also be setting up our main compound area for the work, which will be located adjacent to Hatton WTW.
Will my water supply be interrupted?
We do not plan to interrupt your water supply during these works.
Please bear with us…
Although it’s really important, we also know work on this scale can, at times, be inconvenient. Please rest assured that we, and our contract partner Avove, will be doing everything we can to minimise the disruption and get the work finished as quickly as we can.
Do you own a retail business?
If you own and operate a business which benefits from customers visiting to purchase goods or services from you and our works are affecting your custom, then please contact our Business Compensation team at businessloss@severntrent.co.uk for advice.