Debt Support | Matching Plus
We'll make payments to help you pay off what you owe on your account.
If you're eligible for debt support through Matching Plus, we will pay £20 a month towards your outstanding debt.
To get help through Matching Plus, you must have:
How Matching Plus works
We'll pay £20 a month to help you reduce your account balance. You must make a monthly payment of at least £20 for us to contribute.
Joining Matching Plus
You can message our team on WhatsApp to join Matching Plus.
You can also join Matching Plus by calling 0800 917 6901.
You'll need to give us your mobile phone number so we're able to keep in touch with you about your matched payments.
If you're unable to join Debt Support, we'll talk to you about other options. We may be able to help you through our other financial support schemes.
Other organisations who can help
If you’re in debt or struggling to pay your bills, you can get help and support from many independent charities.