
New pipes to provide reliable water supply for Newtown

10th January

Severn Trent will be carrying out two projects in Newtown to install new water pipes that will provide the town with a reliable water supply for years to come.

The projects form part of a wider scheme that will see the company invest around £5m and install 30 miles of new water pipes to deliver a better water supply to people in Powys. Drop-in sessions are also being arranged in Newtown to give customers the opportunity to find out more about the work and raise any concerns they might have.

Gareth Mead, from Severn Trent, said: “This is extremely important work for the area that will see water pipes replaced to protect supplies in to Newtown for years to come.

“The new pipes will take water from the Glascoed Reservoir into homes and businesses throughout the Newtown area.

“We know that some people may be concerned about the scale of the work we’re undertaking but we’ll work really hard to minimise disruption on the roads and keep local businesses open.”

From Monday 16 January engineers from Amey will be starting to install some of the new pipes under the A483 near to Glascoed Hall.

While this part of the project is completed there will be a HGV restriction on the road and a convoy system for all vehicles under 7.5 tonnes. Any vehicles heavier than that will need to follow a fully signposted diversion around the area.

Then on Wednesday 1 February work will begin near to Llanfair Road for around six weeks. Some of this work will require the road to be closed between the Severn Trent booster station and Pen Shwa Lane while the new pipes are installed.

Gareth explains: “These are really exciting projects for Newtown that will provide residents and businesses with a reliable water supply.

“We’ll be hosting two drop-in sessions for residents in the Llanfair Road area to come and see us and find out more about that part of the work. It’ll be an opportunity to ask any questions and raise any concerns that they have.” 

The drop-in sessions will take place on Monday 16 January from 11am to 3pm at All Saints Church and then from 4pm to 7pm at Tegynon Community Hall

Gareth added: “We’re really sorry for any inconvenience these projects will cause to people in the town but hopefully they’ll understand the long-term benefits the work will have and how big an investment this is for the town.”