Severn Trent issues seven water-saving tips to keep bills down this Spring
Thursday 20th March
Severn Trent has issued SEVEN water-saving tips to households as we head into spring – to help save them money off their bills.
The advice includes everything from how to fix leaky loos, to cutting usage by storing rainwater in water butts to use in the garden instead of hoses.
Severn Trent is also expected to be supporting around 700,000 households by 2030 with some form of financial support, making it one of the industry’s most comprehensive affordability packages. You can find out more about the support on offer by visiting their website.
So to get a positive bounce in your finances this spring, follow some of the tips below:
1. Fix Leaks Promptly – We often find people tend to put off getting leaks fixed, yet even small leaks can waste significant amounts of water. So regularly check your taps, showerheads and toilets for leaks and repair them as soon as possible. For more information on leak-detecting, visit here.
2. Use Water-Efficient Fixtures – We all love a power shower, but they use A LOT more water than a normal shower, so consider installing water-saving devices such as low-flow showerheads or dual-flush toilets which do the same job while using less water.
3. Try a shower timer – Showers are one of the largest users of water in a household. And while you might love singing through your setlist while washing the suds out of your hair, a shower timer might just keep you on track to spend less time in there. Not only will that help lower you water bill, but it could also cut your energy bill – and your neighbour’s ears will also benefit!
4. Turn Off Taps When Not in Use – Did you know that a running tap uses over SIX litres of water every minute. So by turning them off while you brush your teeth, you’ll be saving over 12 litres of water. Similarly, if you’re washing the dishes, filling the bowl with water rather than having a running tap will help to save water.
5. Collect Rainwater – We didn’t want to be the ones to break this to you, but we’re probably going to have some rain this Spring. As heartbreaking as that is, water butts are a great way to store rainwater in your garden for you to use on plants and your grass. Your roof collects enough rainwater to fill a water butt 450 times a year, allowing you to ditch the hose and save hundreds of litres of water.
6. Run Full Loads – Dishwashers are becoming much more energy and water efficient and if used correctly, by only using them when it is full, can be more efficient than washing dishes by hand. Similarly, only using your washing machine on a full load will mean less cycles and less water used.
7. Get a water meter – Once installed, most customers make a conscious effort to use less water once they switch to a water meter. The meters mean you’ll only ever pay for what you use, putting you in charge of your bills. To see if you can apply, visit here
*To find out more about how you can save money with a range of affordability schemes, visit the Severn Trent website.