Severn Trent issues warning about bogus callers in Redditch
Wednesday 9th December 2020
Severn Trent is warning customers to be extra vigilant after receiving reports of bogus callers in the Redditch area.
In recent weeks, there have been multiple reports of bogus callers knocking on customers’ doors claiming to be from the ‘water board’. One customer recently had money and jewellery taken from their home, after letting a fraudster inside.
Louise Moir, Customer Resolution Lead, at Severn Trent, said: “We often hear about people trying to access homes by saying they’re from “the water board”, and this is obviously extremely worrying for our customers.
“We can’t stress how important it is for customers to check the identity of the person calling, to make sure it’s a genuine visit. Our staff carry ID cards showing their name and photograph and they’d be more than happy to share their details and wait while customers carry out the necessary checks.
“Keeping our customers safe is our priority, so if anyone is unsure whether it really is Severn Trent at the door, please do check. We offer a doorstep password scheme where customers can apply for a password in advance of a planned Severn Trent visit.”
Louise added: “Our phone lines are manned 24-hours a day, seven days a week, and our employees fully expect customers to check identities, either with a password or a call. You can sign up online here or call us on 0345 604 1655.
“If anyone has had a suspicious call – either at the door or on the phone, please do let the police know, and tell us too – that way we can warn others.”