Severn Trent River Rangers meet Amanda Solloway MP at Darley Abbey Park

Monday 28th May 2024

Derby North MP, Amanda Solloway recently met with Severn Trent’s Derbyshire River Rangers to learn about the company’s work to improve river health across her constituency.

The MP met with Joanna Brocklehurst-Smith, Karl James and Siobhan Bray, who are dedicated to protecting rivers across the county and helping them to thrive. The team works closely with partners to improve river health and boost biodiversity along waterways throughout the Midlands.

As well as helping customers to prevent wipes and sanitary products from reaching rivers, the team carry out vital operational, monitoring and sampling activities that allows the company to understand the quality of rivers in its region better than ever before, and what’s needed to protect and improve them.

Mrs Solloway joined the team in taking water samples from the River Derwent and discussed the team’s work in helping to keep rivers healthy.

Amanda Solloway, MP for Derby North said: “It was great to spend time with Severn Trent’s river rangers and get an understanding of their work in looking after the waterways in the region. Moreover, I was pleased I had the opportunity to test the Derwent myself.

“We have a truly amazing and beautiful river in Derby and I know my constituents are passionate about making sure it’s properly preserved and looked after. It is good to see Severn Trent is working hard to keep them healthy, and were so willing to meet with me to discuss these concerns.”

Joanna Brocklehurst-Smith, Severn Trent River Ranger, said: “It was a real pleasure to be able to meet with Amanda,  discuss our work around Derby and show her first-hand how we sample and test river water.

“Rivers can have a really transformational impact on communities through which they flow and it's really important that we can host visits like this to underscore our commitment and demonstrate the work that we’re undertaking.”

For more on Severn Trent’s work to protect the environment, visit: