
Severn Trent shares some top gardening tips as heatwave continues

Thursday 5th July 2018

With the hot weather set to continue, Severn Trent shares some top tips from horticultural expert Nigel Bishop on how to be water wise and still keep your garden healthy during the heatwave.

Soaring temperatures over the last 10 days means we've seen a huge increase in demand, particularly as people enjoy the sunny weather and get the sprinklers out to water their lawns and plants.

What they might not know is that a sprinkler can use as much as 1,000 litres of drinking water in just one hour – which is more water than a family of four would normally use in a whole day!

For the last week Severn Trent has been producing hundreds of millions of litres more drinking water than usual every day to keep up with the surging demand, but as quickly as that’s going out into the pipes it’s being used up.

Nigel Bishop, Horticulture Advisor for the Shrewsbury Flower Show, said: “A lot of people underestimate nature. Plants and trees are clever things - they’ve survived for hundreds of years and they’ve learned to adapt to most weather conditions.

“The majority of shrubs and plants are intelligent and will search into the soil to source out water by themselves – that’s part of their job.

”Many people may be worried about their lawn but they don’t need to – it’ll soon bounce back!"

Nigel adds: “Yellowy grass may look unsightly, but it’s simply adapting to the hot weather, it’s a lot tougher than people think. There’s no need to panic, the grass will return to normal once it rains, so there’s no point watering it – it’s just a waste.

“Hanging baskets are very popular this time of year and I’d advise people to gently water them using grey water – left over washing up water, or even collect water that comes out of the hot tap while you’re waiting for the water to warm up. 

“Another top tip is to give the baskets a break from the sun and put them in the shade during the hottest times.”

That means Severn Trent is giving customers an excuse to put their feet up in the garden and to enjoy a glass of our wonderful water while they let their plants do their own job of finding theirs.

Here are Nigel’s handy tips on how to keep your garden looking great while being water wise:

  • Water your hanging baskets using left over washing-up water;
  • Collect used shower water to pour over your bedding plants. Be sure to use it sparingly – they’ll adapt to the amount you give them. Too much water can do more bad than good!
  • And remember nature is an amazing thing – let the plants and trees find their own water souce.

If you'd like some more professional advice on how to look after your garden, why not go along to the Shrewsbury Flower Show, Friday 10 and Saturday 11 August 2018. Details can be found at

You can also find a full list of handy tips is available on our website, aswell as water saving devices.