Severn Trent supports Friends of Gilmorton School with grant of £15,000

Wednesday 18th September 2024

Leicestershire’s Gilmorton Chandler CE Primary School has received a grant of £15,000 from the Severn Trent Community Fund.

Thanks to the Severn Trent grant the school has been able to invest in the outstanding Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Primary Programme, a mentor-supported school improvement initiative which addresses the areas schools must plan for if they want to strategically and sustainably improve the quality of their play opportunities.

As part of this scheme children will receive a new Playpod which will be situated in the school’s woodland outdoor play zone. The upcycled container will contain a variety of ‘scraps’ or ‘loose parts’ – such as cardboard boxes, pipes and old household items - to encourage play and inspire the children’s imaginations, while highlighting the importance of recycling and reducing waste to landfill.

Situated next to the PlayPod will be a water butt, which will help to teach children about using collected rainwater to maintain their gardening area.

Friends of Gilmorton School (FOGS) is a Leicestershire based charity run by a group of committed volunteers hoping to enhance the resources available to children attending Gilmorton Chandler CE Primary School.

Their work brings the local community together to improve the environment Gilmorton children learn in, encouraging them to be successful and have fun.

With the support of the FOGS volunteers, the PlayPod will also be available for use outside of school hours to community groups such as the local scouts and the Toddler Group.

Anita Parkes Chair at Friends of Gilmorton School said: “We’re so excited about the installation of our PlayPod, the fund has in no doubt provided the children an amazing place to stretch their imaginations and build their confidence.

“With outdoor play making up almost a year and a half of the seven-year-long primary school curriculum, it’s all the more important to provide a safe and valuable space for children to develop key skills.

“The help from the Severn Trent Community Fund has provided a stimulating play zone that will help to teach the importance of taking care of the environment by giving life to old materials and helping us care for Gilmorton School’s gardening area.

“We are so proud that our school is at the epicentre of improving the wellbeing of so many local children.”

Sue Heyes, Severn Trent Community Fund Officer said:  “We’re so pleased our panel chose Friends of Gilmorton School to receive this grant. It’s been amazing to see the dedication of the volunteers in making sure children of the school and beyond have access to an interactive space.

To find out more about the Severn Trent Community Fund, visit and search for Community Fund