Severn Trent to deliver sewer boost in Stratford-upon-Avon 

30th August 2023

Severn Trent is preparing to start work on a £430,000 project to alleviate sewer flooding in Stratford-upon-Avon.

The company will be working on the A439 Warwick Road, installing a new surface water sewer.  

Diverting surface water that runs off the roads and drains through the grounds of the local hotel and golf course will help to ensure the local sewer network is operating within capacity, and reduce the risk of flooding issues for those living in the area.

Shannon Currall, Community Communications Officer at Severn Trent, said: “Challenges from climate change are putting pressure on our surface water network and can lead to issues such as sewer flooding which we know can be really distressing.  

“This is why we're working hard to identify locations where we've had reports of these issues and are building additional capacity into our surface water sewers to help ease the pressure on the network.”

Due to start on Monday 4th September, the works are expected to be completed by 9th November. To help keep traffic moving, two-way traffic lights will be in place on the A439 for the duration of the works.  

Shannon continued: “We always aim to minimise any disruption from our works and keep traffic flowing while we work.  Roadworks can definitely be frustrating and inconvenient but help to keep our workforce and other road users safe, and we would like to thank everyone in advance for their patience while we make these essential network upgrades.”

For more information, visit Planned Improvements | In My Area | Severn Trent Water (