
Severn Trent to meet with local people in Ludlow ahead of water pipe replacement work

Thursday 29th March

Severn Trent is to meet with people in Ludlow ahead of work to install new and reliable water pipes to make sure wonderful water is on tap whenever it’s needed.

The company is planning to install the new pipes in the Seifton, Culmington and Whitbatch areas surrounding Ludlow as part of a £7m project to replace around 50km of water pipes in Shropshire.

Dave Kiernan, who is leading the project for Severn Trent, said: “Our customers use our water in so many wonderful ways and we know how important it is to make sure water is there whenever they need it.

“That’s why we’ve taken the decision to replace these pipes and to make sure everyone has a really reliable supply of water for the future.

“Before we start work we want to meet with people who live in the local area to share more information about our plans and listen to any concerns they might have.”

A community drop-in session will take place at Culmington Village Hall from 3.30pm to 7pm on Wednesday 4 April.

Work is planned to start on Monday 23 April at the Seifton Lane  junction of the B4365, working from Seifton to Culmington. Work will then continue towards Whitbatch down towards the A49.

Dave continues: “We’ll be carrying out work under roads and private land, and when we work on the roads we will need to have temporary closures in place to keep our engineers and road users safe.

“This is really vital work for the local area that will provide a really reliable water supply for many years to come and our engineers will work quickly to get the new pipes installed and local roads back to normal.”

The scheme forms part of Severn Trent’s commitment to investing in its infrastructure which will see the equivalent of £1,400 invested for every home and business it serves between 2015 and 2020.

For more information about the project visit Planned Improvements | In My Area | Severn Trent Water (