Severn Trent helping Walsall students to save energy
Thursday 19 January
Experts from Severn Trent have been helping to guide a group of Walsall students as they look for ways to save energy around their school.
The youngsters, all aged between 12 and 18, from West Walsall E-ACT Academy visited Severn Trent’s Coventry HQ to get some top tips and to talk about their innovative energy saving ideas.
The group is taking part in Go4Set which is a 12-week project for schools to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
Howard Perry, energy manager for Severn Trent, said: “I was really impressed with the enthusiasm for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies from the group.“They had some fantastic ideas, including how we could use newly discovered plastic-eating bacteria at our waste plants.
I’m looking forward to hearing how they get on through the course of the project.”Dr. Shahad Al-Janabi, senior solution engineer for Severn Trent, who is mentoring the group, added: “This is a great opportunity to work with the school. As a big employer we’re always keen to actively encourage the next generation to join the engineering field.
“The group’s visit was eye opening, and they suggested some great potential solutions for waste water.”
The visit also gave the students a chance to see all the energy saving and environmentally friendly designs that are used in the company’s headquarters building every day.
Mohsin Raza, a teacher from West Walsall E-act Academy, said: “The school greatly appreciates Severn Trent Water’s role in assisting its STEM club students to work on their project to develop an eco-friendly school.
“The students were very impressed with the myriad of ways the company employs to be environmentally friendly. From the novel methods of generating electricity from sewage and waste food to the management of its assets to minimise energy usage.
“They took away the message that being ‘eco-friendly’ made good economic sense and helped secure the future of the planet.”