
Severn Trent investment in Powys continues with new water pipes

Wednesday 29th March

Severn Trent is to host a community drop-in session ahead of work to upgrade water pipes in Powys. 

The project is the latest phase of a £5m investment in the county and will see new water pipes installed in Tal-y-Wern, Melin-Byrhedyn and Aberhosan. Now the company is inviting local people to come and find out more about the project which is due to start in early May.

Gareth Mead, from Severn Trent, explains: “We’re really keen to speak to as many people as possible in this area to make sure they aren’t worried about the work we’ll be doing and are up to date with the diversions that will be in place.

“The current pipes in the area are getting older and could become more prone to leaks and bursts, that’s why this is a really important project that will make sure that local people have a water supply they can rely on for the future.

”The drop-in session will take place at Glantwymyn Community Centre on Wednesday 12 April from 4pm to 7pm.

Gareth continues: “Our contractors from Amey will be working hard to minimise any disruption during the work but we will need to have temporary road closures in place to allow them to work safely.

“We’ll have fully signposted diversions in place when we do need to close roads and we’d ask local people to allow a little extra time for their journeys.

“We know this may cause some inconvenience but we hope people will understand the benefits these new pipes will bring.”

For more information about the project visit Planned Improvements | In My Area | Severn Trent Water (

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