
Severn Trent to install new water pipes in North Staffordshire village

Wednesday 25th October

Severn Trent is to install new water pipes in the Willoughbridge area to make sure local people have a reliable water supply for the future.

The project is part of a £2.5m investment in the area to replace more than 12km of water pipes.

Dave Kiernan, who is managing the project for Severn Trent, explains: “We’re constantly working to upgrade the pipes that deliver fresh water to communities across our region.

“We know how important it is for our customers to have a cup of tea in the morning, or a relaxing bath after a long day at work, and that’s why we’re replacing the old pipes to make sure people always have access to water whenever they need it.”

Work is due to start on Monday 6 November along the A51, starting from the Minn Bank junction and working in small sections up to Whitehouse Farm. The project should be complete by the beginning of February.

Dave continues: “While we’re carrying out this essential work we’ll need to have some traffic restrictions in place to allow the engineers from our contractors, Amey, to work safely.

“Temporary traffic lights will be in operation and signs around the area will alert drivers to the work. We know this might cause some disruption but we know how important it is for our customers to have a reliable water supply and this work will protect the network from leaks and bursts in the future.”

The scheme forms part of Severn Trent’s commitment to investing in its infrastructure which will see the equivalent of £1,400 invested for every home and business it serves between 2015 and 2020.

For more information and updates about the work visit Planned Improvements | In My Area | Severn Trent Water (