
Severn Trent to invest £400,000 in new water pipes for Stourbridge

Tuesday 14th March

Severn Trent is to invest almost £400,000 in new water pipes to ensure that people in Stourbridge continue to receive top quality water.

The company will begin work next week to replace 3km of cast iron pipes with more modern materials to improve the quality of both Severn Trent’s service and also the water supply.

Martin Oliver, who is leading the project, explains: “We’ve already replaced a small section of pipe in the area and now we’re planning to replace all of the old cast iron pipes with brand new durable plastic pipes.

“We’re aware there have been some issues reported in the area where the old pipes have caused some people to receive discoloured water. That’s why we’ve taken the decision to invest heavily in this area to make sure everyone in Stourbridge has access to a great supply of water at the turn of a tap.

“In the meantime, a top tip for anyone who finds they have discoloured water from their taps is to run the kitchen tap on low for about 20 minutes which should clear the issue.”

The project is due to start on Monday 20 March on Racecourse Lane and is expected to be completed by the Autumn. Work will also take place on Fairways Avenue and Osmaston Road.

Martin continues: “Our contractors from Amey will be working hard to keep disruption to a minimum during the course of the scheme. They’ll work closely with local residents and will keep access to homes and businesses as clear as possible.

“To allow the engineers to complete the work safely, Racecourse Lane will be closed to traffic between the junctions of Norton Road and Ounty John Lane. Temporary traffic lights and a fully signposted diversion will be in place for motorists.

“We apologise for any inconvenience this causes but we hope local people will understand as they’ll see the massive benefits that replacing these old pipes will bring.”

For more information and updates about the project visit Planned Improvements | In My Area | Severn Trent Water (