Sometimes it seems as if there just isn’t enough of our wonderful water to go around. And in the years to come, a growing population and hotter summers could mean we’re going to see this happening more often. So we need to increase our water supply, but normally this means using more energy.  So how can we have more clean, fresh water for everyone, in a carbon-friendly way? 

Securing our water

The big picture

As part of our Green Recovery, we’ve started work on some pioneering projects to help secure water supplies for the future.

We’re looking to produce up to an extra 89 million litres of water every day. Enough to supply a city the size of Derby or fill 40 Olympic sized swimming pools!

But more than that, we’re going to do this in ways that are more sustainable, less carbon intensive and we’ll be turning to nature for help, because what’s good for nature is good for your water too.

Firstly, we are re-lifting an existing pumping station, pipeline and river inlet system to allow us to abstract additional water from the river Trent.  To supplement this, in an industry first, we’ll be installing specialised floating wetlands to help naturally pre-treat water and reduce harmful contents biologically, something not yet seen in the UK. The water is then transferred and treated in our brand-new water treatment works before reaching your taps.

Where and how this is happening

The main area of this work will take place in Southwest Derbyshire, around the areas of Shardlow Breaston, Sawley and Aston on Trent.

This is how we are doing it:

  • By creating floating wetlands at Witches Oak Water Nature Reserve to help pre-treat the water we take directly from the River Trent.
  • Building a brand new treatment works using innovative ceramic membranes to clean the raw water.

Part of our 7 Green Recovery Initiatives

If you'd like to know more or hear about how you can get involved, get in touch with us!