NeighbourGOOD scheme application

Introducing the NeighbourGOOD Scheme - empowering communities, one project at a time. 

At Severn Trent, we understand the importance of community collaboration. The NeighbourGOOD Scheme is our way of supporting local causes that truly matter. Giving communities a helping hand on existing or new schemes/projects, through funding and hands-on volunteering.

Read the Terms and Conditions for this scheme before completing the form.

Documents you may need to complete your application

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

1. All eligibility criteria must be met to continue with our application form. If you cannot meet these criteria, we're sorry but we're unable to support your project.*

  1. Our organisation is a corporate body (e.g. a limited liability company, limited liability partnership, Community Interest Company)
  2. Our organistation has a Company Registration Number
  3. Our organisation’s purpose is to promote charitable, social and/or public causes.
  4. Our project does not promote political or religious causes or beliefs.
  5. Severn Trent would be the majority funder of the project.
  6. We have not already received funding from the Severn Trent Community Fund or any other Severn Trent charitable fund or scheme for this project.
  7. Our project and its beneficiaries are in the Severn Trent Water region (check this by using the Water UK postcode checker  Find Your Supplier | Water UK)
  8. Our application is for future funding/support only for a new project, and not for retrospective costs or current overheads.
  9. You have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms of the NeighbourGOOD Grant Terms and Conditions

To ensure you’re eligible we will also check that your project is not to the detriment of Severn Trent or its interests, and that you’re not requesting funding for work that is linked to our statutory functions as an undertaker.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

What is the location of the project?*

Approximately how many people will benefit from your completed project? *

Please be specific e.g. 200 rather than several hundred.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

Each winner will be allocated 30 volunteers across 2 days and a sum of upto £2500. 

Upload a completed breakdown of project costs here.*

Accepted file formats: pdf, docx, doc.

Please upload a file

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

Please upload a copy of your group's governance document *

Please upload a file

**This could be a Constitution, Code of Conduct, Memorandum and Articles of Association etc. The governance document must show you’re your company registration number, application of income, confirmation your organisation is not-for-profit and detail the dissolution clause/asset lock.

Accepted file formats: pdf, docx, doc.


If you are a leaseholder, please confirm whether you require permission from the freeholder?

For any physical improvement work (capital works) you must provide evidence of your property deed or lease agreement. Please upload your evidence here. *

Please upload a file

Accepted file formats: pdf, docx, doc.



For any physical improvement work (capital works), if you are a leaseholder or working on third party land, the landowner must complete a Project Consent Form for you. We only need a typed signature so please don’t worry about printing it. Once complete, please upload the form here. *

Please upload a file

**If you are applying to complete physical works and you forget to upload this Project Consent Form, you may delay your application going to Panel. This form must be completed for ANY physical improvement works.

Click here to download the Project Consent Form.

Accepted file formats: pdf, docx, doc.


If you have any additional documents that you feel may support your application, please upload them here. But don’t worry, this is not essential.

Please upload a file

 (e.g. additional financial plans, letter of support, project documents, photographs, planning drawings, videos, endorsements...)

 Accepted file formats: pdf, docx, doc.


The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

We’re asking for these details during the Severn Trent NeighbourGOOD Scheme application process for due diligence and grant giving purposes. Data will be processed under the lawful basis of Public Task. We may also access information about you that is already publicly available.

Further details will be required:

• Details of the organisation's bank account to allow funds to be paid.

• Bank statements.

This additional data is required to allow Severn Trent to carry out due diligence checks to ensure the delivery of changes will benefit the community and the correct permissions to carry out any proposed changes are in place.

Please read the terms and conditions.

The asterisk (*) symbol denotes required fields.

By ticking the box below, we confirm that:

  1. We have fully read the eligibility criteria and application guidance document and NeighbourGOOD Grant Terms and Conditions before submitting this application.
  2. We are duly authorised to submit this application on behalf of the applicant organisation.
  3. We certify that the information given in this application is true and confirm that any supporting documents are current, accurate and approved by our organisation.
  4. We certify that the relevant and correct policies and procedures are in place for our organisation and project, as advised in the guidance document.
  5. We certify we have the relevant and correct insurance policies in place for our organisation and project, or we guarantee to have these in place upon project start date.
  6. We certify that we commit to completing the project within the specified 2-day timeframe.


We understand that if we make any false, misleading or inaccurate statements (whether deliberate or negligently) at any stage during the application process, or if we knowingly withhold any information, this will invalidate our application.